Thursday, June 03, 2004

Of computer viruses

Being the Systems Administrator, I get called up for various problems that my colleagues face with their (devilish) computer. But the call I got that monday morning was exceptionally creepy. "Bru, someones controlling my computer". Working for a university we get the rare student who thinks he is a Tech-Wiz who tries to mess around and look for weak spots. My confidence in my own network was now slowly drifting away like the hair on my head. Was there a hole in the network, a weak spot which I did not see? Was there a breach!? How could I teach Network Security anymore? There goes my reputation! With these dreaded thoughts running through my mind like wild hyenas, I stepped into my colleagues office. She was staring at her monitor as if a tsunami was coming at her. I greeted her and then I too was staring at the monitor. Although, I must admit, unlike her, I managed to keep my mouth closed! And true enough suddenly there were ghostly words being typed by an unseen finger. Some words did not make sense (Is it a foreign hacker, who could not speak english?); some words we spoke were repeated! Quickly, I ran some utilities to check up on the system. All my checks returned negative. But still the ungodly words kept appearing out of nowhere. I banged on the table in desperation. They appeared. Banged again. Appeared. Then I realised that the newest machines we installed had a microphone at the top of the monitor. The latest word processing software being used by my colleague supported voice recognition! The mystery was solved. The ghost was revealed. It was none other than the voice recignition software trying to convert the sounds into meaningful words! Where art thou Sherlock?


Blogger Umm Dawud said...

1 o' the best blogs I've read Bru!!!

9:02 AM

Blogger Dilrukshini said...

Sir , Im new to blogging. I agree with Afra This blog is the best i've ever read so far !

6:58 PM


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