Monday, August 15, 2005

Alone in a crowd

It is wonderful being isolated among many. I have had one of the most productive days in terms of reading. Managed to read a considerable amount of pages of a book on Creative Thinking, online, which I would not have been able to do if I was in APIIT. Sometimes, friends can be a distraction. I am enjoying this virtual isolation which I am in!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thoughts LZW

Friday. So how was the holiday? Lot of driving. Lot of sleeping. Loads of cricket. Nothing productive. Define productive. Dreams of the future. Dreams of the new job.

Expectations. Anticipation. Apprehension. Friendly? Helpful? Back stabbers? No prejudice. No first impressions. Take it as it comes. Leave office early? Easy hours? Continue hosting? Lecturing? Travel abroad? Career? Certifications.

Become indispensable. Dependent on me. Good for me. Not good for company. Happened before. Guess where? Bottom line, do good. Be good.

Risk management. Things go wrong. What then? Plan B? Plan C? No Plan. Take it as it comes. Goes wrong? start over. Not coyote in road runner. Doesnt try again. Remember the donkey and the well.

Wedding. Life of its own. Not ours. Families'. Note the apostrophe on the plural. On track. Gantt will be proud. Clothes. Cards. Venue. Food! Oh yeah, food!

Sweet satellite? To or not to. Dreams of travel. Only dreams. Perhaps later. Plenty of time. Nothings set in stone. Can change.

Net worth. Minus territory. Fiscal management. Mistakes. Experiments, I like to call! Car. No, Vehicle. Cant afford.

Love? Comfort. Freedom. Brilliant company. Never the same. Each day something new. Something wonderful. The inner beauty. Oft interred inside. Unseen. Unheard. Unsensed by the senses. Springs forth feelings unmentionable. Incomprehensible. Can only be felt. Feelings! Serotonin? Controllable? Chemistry? Neurons triggered? Electricity? Energy? Can it be programmed? AI! The movie. The plot. Ah! Light bulb!

Friends? Colleagues? Friends WERE colleagues. Now what? What does monday hold?